Dachshunds are intelligent creatures and very independent. They have also been known to be extremely loyal to their owners, always sticking by their side and watching out for them.
Dachshunds also have a sparky playful personality which enables them to make a game out of almost anything. They love to play!
The Life expectancy of a Dachshund is 12-16 years!
That's a lot of years of LOVE!
Our Dachshunds produce puppies of very high quality, soundness and excellent temperament.
We ensure our puppies are happy, healthy, and free from genetic problems. Our Longdogs are in excellent health and are regularly examined by our local veterinary.
Dachshund's weigh roughly 5kgs as an adult (genetics has a lot to do with it!).
Our shorthaired miniature dachshunds require the least amount of grooming because very few things cling to their coat.
A regular brushing with a soft bristle brush will be sufficient. Our dogs love a good brush & pamper!
Dachshund are prone to gaining weight because they love food! It’s important to keep them fit for their health, to help them live longer, and to help prevent back problems. An adult Dachshund needs around 30 minutes of exercise a day.
Lynx's Longdogs .